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Theatre in Poznan, Poland

2009 was an interesting year...

Got to go to Poznan, Poland with the theatrical drama - Crossings.

The show debuted in the Fall of 2008, and got into the NYC Fringe Festival in the Summer of 2009; this after playing in the "Close Stragers" Festival in Poznan earlier that year.

I loved being a member that Ensemble Cast.

The blending of cultures, heritages, stories, immigrant backgrounds... was simply amazing. Barak Obama became the President of the United States on one of our rehearsal nights! That was cool. We rejoiced, because the play's central focus was the plight of the immigrant. The plight of the "other." The struggle for freedom and the yearning of so many for a simple better life, an opportunity to try, a chance to dream... What luxury that is - the chance to dream.

Crossings A Stages on the Sound Production.


The cast and crew (plus Julissa Roman who couldn't be with us on the trip, ironically due to immigration issues) ~ Crossings. 2008 - 2009

Facebook - "Passion Play" Cast

A show I watched on my third (vacation) trip to Poland - Beautiful, experimental, intriguing...

Facebook - P's rehearsal at Nowy Theatre

Theatre Nowy director, Piotr Kruszinsky, directing a staged reading of a drama at Theatre Nowy.

Facebook - Awesome cast! These guys are amazingly talented!

An amazing worldly musical performed at Theatre Nowy - Incredible integration of digital media and exquisit music - Three hours long though! No intermission. It was rough :) but worth it.


Shannon Michael Wamser & Jennifer Blair Bianco - A day around town (Crossings in Poznan)


What a wonderful host she was. We stayed at a Convent while performing in Poznan. Loved it.


The Festival...


Hanging in the courtyard of Teatr Polski where we performed.


The grand Nowy Theatre at night... Looks like a painting, doesn't it ;)


Rehearsal - Killing it on stage ;)


And we slept...

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